Free Robots.txt Generator online

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Robot.txt Generator Online

Default - All Robots are:  
Sitemap: (leave blank if you don't have) 
Search Robots: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Restricted Directories: The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/"

Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.

About Robot.txt Generator Online

Robots.txt is a file that contains instructions on how search engine crawlers should navigate a website. It is also known as the "Robots Exclusion Protocol," and websites use this standard to inform crawlers which parts of their site to index. Additionally, site owners can use the file to specify areas that they do not want the crawlers to access, such as duplicate content or pages under development. However, it's important to note that certain bots, such as malware scanners and email harvesters, may not follow the standard and can ignore the exclusions specified in the robots.txt file. In some cases, these bots may begin indexing your site from areas that you intended to exclude from indexing.

how to create a Robots txt online for free

A complete robots.txt file contains "User-agent," followed by various directives such as "Allow," "Disallow," "Crawl-Delay," and others. However, manually adding multiple lines of commands can be time-consuming. To prevent bots from visiting certain links, you need to write "Disallow" and for allowing access to specific pages, use the "Allow" directive. However, creating a robots.txt file is not simple. A single wrong line can exclude your website from search engine indexing. Therefore, it is advisable to entrust the task to professionals and use a robots.txt creator to create the file for you.


Did you know that a small file called robots.txt can help improve your website's ranking?

The first thing search engine bots look for when crawling a website is the robots.txt file. If this file is missing, there's a high chance that the bots won't index all the pages on your site. You can modify this file by adding instructions for additional pages, but it's important not to include the primary pages in the "disallow" directive. Google has a limited crawl budget, which is based on a crawl rate limit. This limit determines how much time the bots will spend on your site. If Google determines that crawling your site is slowing down the user experience, it will crawl your site at a slower rate. This means that each time Google sends a bot to crawl your site, it will only index a limited number of pages, and your most recent content may take longer to get indexed.

To speed up the indexing process, you should have a sitemap and a robots.txt file. These files will help the bots quickly identify which pages on your site require attention.

It's essential to have a robots.txt file for a WordPress website since there are often many pages that don't need to be indexed. You can create a WordPress robots.txt file using our tools. However, if your site is a blog and doesn't have many pages, a robots.txt file may not be necessary, and the bots will still index your site even if it's missing.

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However, you need to be careful with the instructions used in the robots.txt file, especially if you're creating it manually. You can modify the file later after learning how it works.

• Crawl-delay: This command is used to prevent crawlers from overloading the host server with too many requests, which can lead to a poor user experience. Different search engine bots, such as Bing, Google, and Yandex, interpret the crawl-delay command differently. For Yandex, it's a delay between consecutive visits; for Bing, it's a time window in which the bot will only visit the site once, and for Google, you can use the search console to control bot visits.

• Allow: The Allow command is used to allow indexing of specific URLs. You can add as many URLs as necessary, especially for shopping sites. However, only use the robots.txt file if your site has pages that you want to be indexed.

• Disallow: The primary purpose of the robots.txt file is to prevent crawlers from accessing certain links, directories, and so on. However, some bots, such as malware scanners, do not comply with this standard and may still access those directories.


A sitemap is essential for all websites as it contains relevant data for search engines. A sitemap tells bots how often you update your website and what kind of content your site provides. Its primary purpose is to notify the search engines of all the pages your site needs to be crawled, while the robots.txt file is for bots. It tells bots which pages to crawl and which ones not to. A sitemap is necessary to get your site indexed, while the robots.txt file isn't necessary if you don't have pages that don't need to be indexed.

See how to create a sitemap sitemap file generator.


Robots txt train is easy to make, but people who aren't apprehensive need to follow the following instructions to save time.

steps to create a Robot txt online

  1. When you arrive on the New robots txt creator page, you'll see several options. Not all options are required, but you need to choose carefully. The first row contains default values for all robots, and if you need to set a crawl-delay, you can do so here.
  2. The second row is about the sitemap. Make sure you have one, and don't forget to include it in the robots txt file. After this, you can choose from several options for search engine bots, including whether you want them to crawl or not. 
  3. The third section is for the mobile version of your website. The final option is for denying access, where you can restrict crawlers from indexing certain parts of the page. Make sure to add a forward-slash before specifying the directory or page address.